Floating Breath Yoga

Your pathway to clarity.

Restorative Yoga.

Restorative Breath.


Strengthening Yoga.

Strengthening Breath.


Subtle Yoga.

Subtle Breath.




Elizabeth imagines a world of calm, steady and focused people who respond to the challenges of life from a place of clarity.

She teaches steady, calm, no nonsense, evidence based yoga tailored to the needs of the student.

She listens.

She responds. She builds each class specific to her student. Each and every time.

Elizabeth also sees the advent of COVID as an opportunity for us to re-examine and remediate unhelpful work/life habits.

The ‘age of COVID’ asks much of us, especially the wearing of face masks. Here is a pathway towards peacefulness.

A student of the Mohan family, in line with the renowned ‘householder yogi’ and scholar, Krishnamacharya, she says,

“It is a privilege to have such great teachers. Thank you.“

Let Elizabeth and Floating Breath accompany you on the path.

What People Are Saying.


“With mask wear in our practices at 100% of the time, it was particularly useful to focus on nasal breathing and avoid mouth breathing which is detrimental to oral health. “

The Floating Breath session with Elizabeth was truly divine! My dental team was so relaxed, rejuvenated and ready to tackle the very busy workload ahead of us.

I couldn't have asked for a better person to guide us through mindful breathing. “

  • Dr Julie Ghaly, Dentistry in Canterbury


“My blood pressure has lowered substantially since practicing with Elizabeth.”

At my last checkup, my doctor asked me what I’d been doing. I said, ‘Floating Breath.’ He said, ‘Well, what ever that is, keep doing it - it seems to be working!”

  • Russ Grant, Financial Director, GDJ

“I loved the session.”

I found it very easy to follow your instructions and really enjoyed the opportunity to rest and expand, and finding more ease with the face mask was a huge bonus! This was a great session for us to do as a team - a lovely way to connect non-verbally and through an activity other than work.”

  • Vanessa Troy, Director, DSC


“Thanks so much, what a wonderful meditation.”

Feeling relaxed but alive now - my heartfelt thanks to Elizabeth.

Is this an ongoing meditation?? It would be extremely helpful. Being on the COVID frontline is so stressful!”

  • Jennie, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

“Elizabeth has taught me so much about breathing - something I thought I already knew.”

Amazingly, my stress levels have gone way down, and the thing is, I never thought of my self as stressed.”

  • Cathy Grant, Managing Director, GDJ


“Elizabeth is a fantastic instructor”

Elizabeth is a fantastic instructor, who accommodates the needs, desires, strengths, and limitations of all her clients. If you're looking for a holistic approach to yoga and health, Floating Breath is for you. Highly recommended.

  • Christopher Lachine, Our Media


To breathe well is to live well. It’s that simple.


Are you from an interested organisation?

In the ‘Age of COVID’, organisations and individuals are looking to make big pivots. It helps to think BIG by starting small…

Start with the breath.

Increase wellbeing.

Reduce stress.

Gain clarity.

Let’s gather your team for a ‘Zoom’ or ‘in-house’ that will leave them feeling empowered & refreshed.

Yoga in Kew.

Elizabeth can host small groups and individual tuition at her studio in Kew.